The Old Vic Annexe
New Build Extension to one of London's Original Theatres (Shortlisted Proposal)
This shortlisted proposal for the new-build annex extension to The Old Vic Theatre in Waterloo sought to create a multi use arts, performance, hospitality and education building complimenting this notable historic theatre within the heart of South London. Our proposal focused around the open, democratic and bold vertical circulation acting as a multi use connecting device, incorporating a number of functions. Staircase acts as bar, servery, library, reading space and relaxation area. The colourful object splits the floor levels creating half landings which create interesting visual connections between floorplates, themselves acting as performances created by the user.
The large open stair addresses the street and creates an inviting direct access from ground level to the education centre on the top floor. Hanging screens to the gable end of the existing theatre blur the transition between existing building and new annex and provide acoustic performance, advertising and projection screens. The overall formal and visual aesthetic reflects the Old Vic's vibrant, democratic and inclusive nature.